Thursday, October 15, 2009

Your most powerful six words

This is a "reflect on what you do well" post.

Taking the time for reflection on what your unique skills and contributions are can help you: maximize your impact at your current job, direct a future job search and help you market yourself effectively.

In the article "Sum up your Leadership in Six Words" from Harvard Business School, we are challenged to sum up (briefly)our most important, unique contribution. 

Reflecting on what is most unique and influential about your contribution can be helpful in two ways.

In my current position: What parts of my job do I love and look forward to?  What do I do really well? ( better than others?)

How do I make sure that I use my most effective skills?  How do I communicate the unique contributions that I make to my supervisor?  What influence do I have over my work to include more of what I do well?

If I am looking for work, how do I best communicate: How is my organization ( or coalition or community) better off because of my contributions? And how can I communicate my unique contribution in a brief but powerful way?

What are your six most powerful words?

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